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An airplane control which can easily be thrown out of gear should be provided for use of one of the observers in multi-place machines.

COMFORT - The crew should be arranged in such fashion as to avoid all unnecessary fatigue during a flight. Seats with upholstered backs should protect them from vibrations. They should be protected from the oil spray and the wind by wind-shields, or better yet, the profile of the plane should be such that the airflow does not strike them yet permits them to see without interposition of glass or any other tranparent [[transparent]] substance. They should be protected from escaping gas.

VISIBILITY - The field of visibility of the pilot and observer will be one of the most important considerations in the design of any airplane. Details regarding visibility for different types of plans are given elsewhere.

LOCATION OF THE OBSERVER - In the multi-place machines, one of the observers, at least, should be placed very near the pilot, close enough to be able to communicate with him by voice without the aid of any accoustic [[acoustic]] apparatus. Each position should permit the use of a parachute. The pilot in any war machine must not be placed as in the Salmson.

DURABILITY OF AIRPLANES - All airplanes to be constructed should