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1,000 meters or glide under an angle of 30°. For multi-motored ships the feed ought to be assured for any turn effected with the minimum radius of giration.

Every motor ought to pick-up readily after a descent of 2,000 meters with the engine throttled.

ASSEMBLY AND DISASSEMBLY - The motor should be constructed as directed by the State and no modifications destined to diminish the interchangeability on the airplane should be allowed without the consent of the Technical Section.

The replacement of a motor or of a group motor in an airplane, or of an important accessory, such as the radiator, tank, etc., must be able to be effected in less than eight hours, with two mechanics and with the ordinary facilities available in a light squadron work shop.

The disassembly of important parts, such as radiator, tank, carburetor, magneto, or pump, ought to be effected in less than three hours, without necessitating the complete removal of the motor.

Provisions should be made for the installation of such a type of connections and controls that the power plant may be removed from the airplane without difficulty, in the minimum time.

Changing the motor ought not to necessitate the disassembly