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of any of the accessories, pumps, carburetors or magnetos, which might be put out of order.

The cowling should be strong enough to withstand at least ten disassemblies. Its replacement ought to be effected in one hour.

An opening should be provided for inspection, large enough to permit access to the parts of the motor which need periodic surveillance: pumps, pressure gauge or regulator or the rate of flow, sights, filters, drain cocks, stop cocks, magnetos, distributors, contact breakers, carburetors, jet, constant level, and spark plugs.

The cowling in spite of its removability, ought to be water tight and ought to protect the aviators, wind-shield and sights, from all oil or water spray.

CARBURETORS - The carburetor mount should be designed to receive any of the different models of carburetors adapted to a same type of motor.

Precautions to obviate danger of fire are treated under the next main heading.

The carburetor and its frame should be heated and adjustment should be provided to permit an economical functioning for temperatures