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ler and of the slipstream eddies. This disposition at the side of the fuselage presents some advantages from this point of view.
STARTING DEVICE - All the motors should be supplied with a starting device on the dashboard, not requiring the whirling of the propeller by hand and assuring departure in less than five minutes regardless of temperature.
All the hubs, in addition, should be furnished with a propellor hub clutch on the front of the propeller, permitting starting of the airplane motor with and airdrome mechanical starter.
ACCESSORY CONTROLS - Tachometer, manometer, and connections, should be of a standard type. Gasoline pump controls should be standarized for each of the types. Flexible controls are allowed only on condition that they have no elbows.
ENGINE SUPPORTS - The motor bed and the wing fittings should be able to resist the maxmum couple of the motor, with a coefficient of safety at least 7, in order to take account of vibrations.
B. Measures of Precaution to Take Against Fire.
Causes of fire on an airplane proceed:
1. From the functioning of the motor and its accessories, and from accidents on landing.