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GENERATORS - All motors are designed to drive electric generators. The installation of generators should consequently be provided for on all airplanes.

If the operation is made by driving belt, it should be provided with a tightening pulley arrangement permitting the taking up of the elongation of the belt.

The cowling should bear an inspection door for the generator, permitting the changing or regulating of the belt and the changing of the generator.

The speed of the generator should be regulated by a governor. The connection wires should be studied with a view to rapid mounting on an airplane in service and should not be mounted in the shop.

METAL FITTINGS - Provision must be made for attaching the wires of the various devices requiring electrical energy specified hereafter:

a. Wireless
b. Heating the passengers
c. Warming up the machine guns
d. Equipment for night flying

INSTALLATION OF THE WIRELESS - The wireless should be installed