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Water pumps, centrifugal type, two outlets.

Carburetor and spark control counter-shafts and rods are directly fixed to engine as part of assembly.

4 oil pumps.

Ten of these models have been delivered to the French Government and orders have been placed for one hundred more. The first installation evidence of this motor has been in the Wibault night bomber. The 450 and 300 horse-power types are well known and do not require any description in this report. They are much in evidence in airplane installations of the Befuet types.

The Wright and Curtiss engines represent better pursuit engines than any the French have developed to date, from a stand-point of weight per horse-power, radiator surface required and performance attainable. The Liberty motor surpasses in reliability, weight and power ratio, any of the French analogous types.

The progress in motor development in France has been retarded to a certain extent by the mass of war time motors which are still on hand. A table follows, showing all French motors, giving the number available their horse-power, weight and the class of planes in which they can be used. By weight in the table is meant the radiator, water, oil, motor base, silencer, propeller, etc. The word "cannon" means a motor with a cannon shooting