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The L 72 was surrendered by the Germans to the French under the terms of the treaty. It is fully assembled in the Hangar at Cuers. It is supported by blocks all along the frame. Parts of the motors have been removed from the nacelles ad all are well blocked to take the weight off the frame. The spares are well stored in rooms along the side of the hangar and are receiving good care. 
The great ship was thoroughly inspected and we were impressed mostly by the lightness of her construction and the perfection of the detail. Her frame is all built of triangular truss construction. She has a keel that runs from one end to the other inside her envelope that is somewhat similar to the keel in the Roma but inverted. Of course it is not flexible. This keel is the support to which the cat walk and all the tanks, ballast, compartments, ect., are attached. 
The L 72 has been renamed the Dixmude by the French. She is 227 meters long and 24 meters wide. She has a radius of action of 18000 kilometers at 50 kilometers per hour, or will carry 7 tons of bombs for 12 or 15 hours at the same speed. Her normal crew is five officers and twenty-five men. Her officers are: a commanding officer, three watch officers and one officer mechanic. Plenty of sleeping quarters are provided and a fair-