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beneath the pilot, is provided with an ample release mechanism controlled by the pilot, which permits him to free himself of gasoline very rapidly in case of fire.

They have begun the study of a landing gear with steel springs and they hope that it will be superior to the ordinary "sandow" suspensions. 

CONTROL SURFACES - They have, with the application of the ailerons in the lower wings, realized the end of having all the control surfaces easy to be inspected even in the most delicate parts of the hinges. 

The rigid control obtained for the alerons, obviates the use of cables. For the elevating planes and the rudder, cable controls are provided. 

MOTOR - The motor applied in this airplane is the Hispano-Suiza 300 horsepower. 

STATIC CHARACTERISTICS - The coefficient of safety of the machine in hardest conditions with a load, is about 12 1/2, a figure estimated to be more than sufficient for the most perilous conditions conciliable with the physical resistance of the pilot. 

This coefficient has been calculated with a latitude of