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of the vertical fin type and extends out from the fuselage in the trailing edge of the lower wing.

This machine holds a record of speed on a 100 kilometer course.

The exhaust pipes are so constructed as to give them the least resistance in flight possible.  The load factor of safety for the wings is 15.  The gasoline tank is located between the pilot and the engine and carries sufficient gas for 1 1/2 hrs. flight.

The tail planes are along the same lines as in the B.R.

The load per square meter is approximately 65 kilogrammes.

This machine attained a velocity of 299 kilometers per hour when flying over the circuit in the race in France.

The company is now completing two other machines of this type and states that they intend to develop a new type of reconnaissance plane and equip it with an A bis, 300 h.p. Fiat engine.

Factor of safety ----------   12
25% inclination with C.P. -   31 to 40% of chord.
Area ----------------------   33 sq. m.
Diameter of propeller------    3.30 m.
Total weight -------------- 2150 kgs.
Load per sq. m. -----------   62 kgs.
Pitch ---------------------    3.40 m.
Load per horsepower -------    3.10 kgs.
R.P.M. -------------------- 1500