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flight of any nature up to about 16 hours. This machine is very sturdy and is characterized principally by its robust structure in its entirety.

The ailerons have the paddle counterbalancing feature. The fuselage is of the veneer and wire truss type of construction.

FIAT 12-PASSENGER AIRPLANE - The Fiat Company has also designed and constructed another interesting type for carrying passengers. It is known as the Fiat 12-passenger airplane. This machine has been fully described in periodicals and complete description was procured for our Engineering Division.

It is geometrically similar to the Fiat BR in its principal outlying characteristic and detailed design. It has the following dimensions and characteristics:

Weight, empty ---------------------- 3,200 kgs.
 Fuel and oil ----------------------   750 kgs.
Instruments and wireless equipment -    50 kgs.
Personnel --------------------------   150 kgs.
Total weight ----------------------- 5,000 kgs.
Passengers -------------------------   850 kgs.
Motor ------------------------------   700 h.p.
Surface area -----------------------   125 sq. m.
Factor of safety -------------------     8
Normal flight endurance ------------     6 hrs.
Maximum flight endurance -----------     6 hrs.