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The Treaty of Versailles gave the Allies the power to regulate the construction of aircraft in Germany. The Allied Powers issued an ultimatum on May fifth, 1921, compelling the German Government to publish a law prohibiting all aircraft construction in Germany. This law is being carefully observed by all aircraft manufacturers and no new aircraft have been constructed since about July first, 1921. However, on May fifth, 1922, a certain leniency will be shown by Allies towards German aircraft manufacturers to allow construction to take place on commercial types, limited in horsepower and in scope of possible interchangeability features that might render them convertible into military types.

Under the Treaty of Versailles, Germany in prohibited from the manufacture and export of any war material, consequently there has been no new development in Germany since the end of the war.

The difficulty encountered in Germany in welding duraluminum parts and fittings has not been overcome. The three leading