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[[5 column table]]

| Construction No. | Velocity Meters per Second | First Trip | Put out of commission | Remarks |

| LZ 73 |25 | 8/ 8/18 | Aug. 1917 | Dismantled in the shed of Konigsberg in consequence of cessation of military airship aviation. |

| 74 | abt. 27 | 4/ 8/16 | 24/ 9/16 | Brought down by shell during an attack on London. |

| 75 | abt. 27 | 9/11/16 | Summer 1920 | Taken apart in the shed of Seddin, to be reconstructed in Japan. |

| 76 | abt. 27 | 30/ 8/16 | 24/ 9/16 | Hit by shell, forced landing at Brentwood (England) and dismantled there. |

| 77 | 25 | 16/10/16 | July, 1917 | Dismantled at shed at Darstadt in consequence of cessation of military airship aviation. |

| 78 | abt. 27 | 22/ 9/16 | 28/11/16 | Brought down by English aviators at Scarborough (English Coast). |

| 79 | abt. 27 | 15/ 1/17 | July, 1917 | Destroyed in the shed at Nordholz. |

| 80 | abt. 27 | 12/10/16 | Summer, 1918 | Antiquated, dismantled in the shed at Juterbog. |

| 81 | 25 | 20/12/16 | 10/ 8/17 | Dismantled in the shed at Dresden in consequence of cessation of military airship aviation. |

| 82 | 27 | 1/11/16 | 7/ 2/17 | Wrecked in the fog at Rethem (Aller.) |

[[/5 column table]]