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[[5 column table]]
| Construction No. | Velocity Meters per Second | First trip | Put out of commission | Remarks |
LZ 83 | abt. 28 | 22/2/17 | 8/10/20 | Transported from Seddin to Maubeuge and delivered to the French.

84 | abt. 28 | 22/11/16 | 29/12/16 | Wrecked at Seemuppen (Russia.)

85 | abt. 28 | 2/5/17 | 20/10/17 | Wrecked in the Valley of the Saone after an attack on England.

86 | abt. 28 | 11/12/16 | 17/3/17 | Brought down by shell at Compiegne.

87 | abt. 28 | 1/5/17 | 5/1/18 | Destroyed by fire in consequence of an explosion in the shed at Ahlhorn.

88 | abt. 28 | 3/1/17 | 17/6/17 | Wrecked at Neuenwalde (Geestemunde).

89 | abt. 28 | 9/6/17 | 20/10/17 | Incidental landing at Montigny le Roi (France) after an attack on England and wrecked in Switzerland.

90 | abt. 28 | 31/1/17 |   | Shortly to be transported from Seerappen near Konigsberg to Rome and delivered to Italy. 

91 | abt. 27 | 21/2/17 | July, 1919 | Destroyed in the shed at Nordholz.

92 | abt. 27 | 6/3/17 | 14/6/17 | Brought down by English military forces over the North Sea.

93 | abt. 27 | 1/4/17 | 20/10/17 | Driven by storm after an attack on England and brought down by shell in France. 

[[/5 column table]]