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[[5 column table]]
| Construction No. | Velocity Meters per Second | First trip | Put out of commission | Remarks |

LZ 106 | abt. 32 | 12/12/17 | 29/8/16 | Transported from Wittmund to Rome and delivered to Italy.

107 | abt. 32 | 19/1/18 | 10/5/18 | Descended in Helgoland.

108 | abt. 32 | 18/12/17 | 19/7/18 | Destroyed by English aviators in the shed at Tondern.

109 | abt. 32 | 11/3/18 | 22/7/20 | Transported from Ahlhorn to Pulham and delivered to England.

110 | abt. 32 | 4/3/18 | July, 1919 | Destroyed in the shed at Nordholz.

111 | abt. 32 | 17/4/18 | July, 1919 | Destroyed in the shed at Nordholz.

112 | abt. 36 | 1/7/18 | 5/8/18 | Brought down by shell at Boston.

113 | abt. 36 | 29/77/18 | 1/7/20 | Transported from Ahlhorn to Pulham and delivered to England. 

114 | abt. 36 | 9/7/20 |   | Transported from Loewenthal to Maubeuge and delivered to France.

115) |   |   |   |  | 

116) |   |   |   |  | 

117) | Not built. | 

118) |   |   |   |  | 

119) |   |   |   |  | 

120 | Almost 37 | 20/8/19 |   | After elongation not commissioned, owing to prohibition by Entente.

121 |   |   |   | After elongation not commissioned, owing to prohibition by Entente.

[[/5 column table]]