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1.	Airship No. II (No designation).
Was forced down by a storm at Kiessling; ship could not be controlled, due to heavy wind. Made forced landing. Blown against trees (or buildings); frame broke, could not be repaired. Cause: Lack of power to make headway against storm. Jan. 17, 1906.

2.	Airship No. IV (No designation).
Was compelled to land due to lack of buoyancy, at Ech-terdingen. In attempting to make repairs one of the gas cells caught fire and the ship was burnt. Cause: Lack of proper pre-cautions in deflating. August, 1908.

3.	Z-II
Was compelled to land on account of motor trouble, at Woilking. Not sufficiently held down; while awaiting minor re-pairs a storm broke, tore airship from moorings, and carried it off; destroyed when crashed into the ground. April, 1910.

4.	Airship No. 6 (No designation).
Burnt up when a fire broke out in the hangar at Baden-oos. September 14, 1910.