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9. L-I:
Was carried out to sea by strong wind, due to lack of buoyancy, and stranded at Helgoland September, 1913. (No further details now available).

10. Z-I (Substitute):
Was compelled to make an emergency landing on account of a severe storm. Could not properly be moored down. The force of the storm drove the airship against the ground, on its moorings and broke the frame. March 19, 1913.

11. L-II:
Caught fire in the air, due to spark from the motor ex-haust, (due to motor being too close to envelope). Burnt up. Johannisthal, October 17, 1913.

12. Z-I: (2nd substitute):
Emergency landing due to lack of gas, (bad piloting, and leaky gas cells). Could not be moored down, account local conditions (no means of attachment) Ship broken on landing and later severely damaged by force of wind while on ground. June 13, 1914.