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56. L-45:

After an attack in England, lost its bearings and flew over France. Fog prevented orientation and finally was compelled to land, account of no fuel and lack of gas. Captured by French, October 20, 1917.

57. L-39:

Shot down in attempting to cross lines near Compiegne. Ship was compelled to land almost immediately and was captured. March 17, 1917.

58. L-47:

Destroyed in Ahlhorn when fire broke out and gas bags were ignited. Ship exploded when it caught fire. January 5, 1918.

59. L-40:

Compelled to land near Neuenwalde, and broken up (no details known). June, 1917.

60. L-50:

Followed L-45 over France. Made a forced landing at Montigny, discovered its location and then flew to Switzerland. Broken up there and crew interned. October 20, 1917.