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Fuel required, at normal speed:
Gasoline -----------------   60 gal.
Oil ----------------------    4 gal.
Weight, empty ------------   23.50 kgs.
Weight, loaded, including 
cooling water and oil ----   34.50 kgs.
Maximum speed ------------  160 k/h.
Average traveling speed --  150 k/h.
Maximum altitude, fully 
loaded ------------------- 6000 m.

This machine is a monoplane without flying wires, and like all the other Dornier machines is constructed of metal throughout. All vital parts are of high grade steel, while the less important structural parts are of duralumin. The wings are covered with easily detachable sheets of duralumin. If desired, however, fabric may be used for the wing covering, in which case the carrying capacity of the machine is increased by 180 kilogrammmes. The construction of the wings is somewhat different from the conventional Dornier type construction. the spars are of the regular high alloy steel construction, but the regular duralumin ribs have been dispensed with in favor of twin web duralumin box ribs situated about seventy five per cent of the chord length apart and maintaining rigidity by stiffened duralumin wing covering through the use of duralumin stringers in a span sense. The cov-