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the tail of the machines originally conceived was too long and that it w as not quite as maneuverable [?] fore and aft as he wished to have it. In the flight I made with him, he ascertained the degree of maneuverability and control that this disposition of the tail had given the machine and he was entirely satisfied and stated that it had shown a marked improvement. Mr. Fokker's success in building aircraft is largely due to his ability as a pilot and his first hand knowledge of the desirable characteristics of control and stability in any type concerned. This ability to test any type and to recognize and rectify immediately the control system fault throughout is invaluable. His direct control over his factory and over his business, his large amount of first-hand knowledge and experience with all different types, plus his ability to pilot and test out his own types, gives him a decided advantage over most modern designers. 

In a large measure, our own lack of success in the immediate solution of controlability problems has been due to the fact that designers have to ascertained the feel of the machine from a pilot's standpoint, and thus have to engage themselves with empirical values derive from control surface coefficients, aver-