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degree, thus giving a higher percentage of elongation. 

(e). As the test pieces were made out of finished parts they were perforce rather small and the elongation numbers are therefore not quite reliable.

All turnbuckles, however, stood the double bending test.

The other materials used do not call for comment. The wing construction follows the same lines as that of the D-VII, which has been amply described. The box spars are built up of an upper and bottom laminated beam of rather low grade fir strips glued together, with webs of birch plywood, the whole being covered with fabric, doped and varnished. In between the top and bottom flanges are glued reinforcing wood blocks at different intervals, the whole following the usual Fokker practice. A special note may be made of the exceedingly efficient cold glue used in these aeroplanes. 

In the Dutch Air Service the "Luward" cold glue (Schütt - Lanz) is used and found to be both excellent and easy to handle.

The ribs are of the same patters as in the D-VII, the ourvature of the leading edge is maintained between the ribs by a veneer layer cut away in triangular fashion and fixed on ribs and spars.