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through in periods ranging from two to four minutes, though in one special test the outside wrapping was only slightly charred after fifteen minutes.


The tubing is not affected by gasoline or benzole but the original tubing was pervious to water. The second batch of tubing tested, is treated to be impervious to water.


The screwed-in joint supplied with tubing satisfactorily withstood the vibration test and a direct pull of 200 pounds failed to separate the joint from the tubing.


The following table gives the weights of a foot length of three types of tubing.

[[2 Columned Table]]
| Petro flex with internal wire, | 1 3/4 oz./original |
| Petro flex without internal wire, | 1 7/16 oz./batch. |
| 1/2" i/d P.R. Tubing (without armouring) | 2 1/2 oz. |
| 1/2" i/d Copper Tubing (20 S.W.G.P., | 2 11/16 oz. |


With the exception of the fire test, the petro flex tub-