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take place in the aid. At low altitude, also, the defense has not been improved, and the well organized fire of infantry is still the most dangerous. 

It is therefore evident that all large airplanes should have the power of flying very high -- in other words, have a high ceiling -- which means that all bombardment aviation should be equipped with turbo compressors for high altitude. Therefore, any distinction between day and night bombardment disappears if the night bombardment aviation can attain sufficient altitude for use in the daytime. The only distinction then would be in the amount of weight carried, and the weights to be carried in bombardment aviation should be sufficient to attack whatever target it is desired to destroy. This may be a thousand pounds, a ton, or two tons. 

For low flying or attack aviation, sufficient armor should be furnished to protect it against the fire of infantry. At the present stage of aeronautical development, it is impossible to protect is against the fire of .50 caliber or larger machine guns. These, however, are not greatly to be feared at low altitude because after one burst they cannot follow the airplane in a satisfactory manner. 