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est service airplane is Europe. Their bombardment aviation will be completely equipped with the Farman Goliath which has proved to be a good bombardment ship, although it lacks speed and altitude.
Behind these planes which are being used is the next series which will contain pursuit airplanes with a speed of from 165 to 170 miles an hour and will be equipped with at least one .45 or .50 caliber machine gun or 37 mm. cannon and one or two .30 caliber machine guns. Either all or a certain portion of these pursuit airplanes will have turbo boosters and will be equipped with engines of not less than 400 h.p. The new bombardment aviation will have greatly increased power, and also will have turbo boosters which will enable them to attain very high altitudes in accordance with the tactical missions which they are called on the perform.
In general, Franch aviation is splendidly organized from a tactical standpoint. Great care has been taken to instruct the personnel, and the value of aviation is thoroughly realized. On account of the army and navy, principally, who are dead against the unification of activities in aeronautics, it has been difficult for the French to adopt a simple and comprehensive administrative organization.
Their method of handling aviation consists of an army aviation in which there is a senior inspector of aviation with his staff