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The airdromes are of three general categories : 

(1) Emergency landing fields where the ground is cleared off and a mark placed where the landing should be made -- these to be used only in case of motor or other trouble ;

(2) The ordinary landing field, which has a telephone on it, meteorological service, fuel, caretaker, and, in some cases, a few hangars -- these to be used as mobilization points for air forces in case of war ;

(3) The air ports, which are organized in the same way that a port for seacraft is arranged. There are places for landing, places for the assembling of passengers, for the inspection of their passports, custom house, medical attendance, hotels, hangars for the air liners (much the same as wharves for ships), police, and everything that goes with a properly organized air port.

The lay-out of the station and the plan of the permanent construction are of the progressive type so that the small emergency landing field buildings may be expanded by additions into the standard equipment approved for the great airports.
There are about ten lines operating in France with considerable success and with very little loss of life and equipment.
The Department of Civil Aviation is equipping large airship hangars at Orly made of reinforced concrete, a factory for the construction of rigid airships at the same place, and hangars near Marseilles, Tunis, Algiers, Casa Blanca, and Dakkar. The material

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