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   As to engines, there is nothing novel. They are sticking to water cooled pretty closely, and are increasing this power constantly. 
   There is one thing, however, in which they are distinctly ahead, and that is the turbo compressor for work at high altitudes. Mr. Ratesu has developed this instrument to a high state of perfection. 
   As to helicopters, they have several models. Some of them have left the ground, but none of them have yet flown in the open and made a closed circuit. However, Mr. Pescara told me he was perfectly willing to take a contract to make a flight in a closed circuit. This is still some way off, I believe, but the French are working very hard along this line. 
   As to a mament, there is nothing particularly new. Very much the same bombs are being used although new explosives of a greater power are being experimented with. Their heaviest bomb is one thousand kilos, loaded with mellilite which is said to be twenty percent more powerful than TNT. They have experimented with chemical bombs, and are very much afraid of the German chemical bombs, because the Germans with their dye factories can produce gas faster and better than the French. Gas, however, is regarded as one of the principal offensive weapons of aviation. 
