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They are still working on 37 and 75 mm. cannons for use from aircraft, and are experimenting with the 20 mm. machine gun. The barrels which they are using are those obtained from the Germans.
After inspecting the French Military air service, we inspected the French naval air service at Toulon and Saint-Raphael. Toulon, as will be remembered, is their principal naval port, where their battleship fleet is concentrated and where their principal naval operations are conducted. During the past year, experiments in the attack of battleships as well as experiments with an airplane carrier have been conducted at this place. The target for the bombardment exercises was the "Prince Eugene", an ex-Austrian battleship of about 27,000 tons, completed about the beginning of the War. She has the usual characteristics of armor and guns, and two protective decks, one of 3.1 inches and the other of an inch and a half. The Chief of Naval Aviation informed me that seven bombs made of wood, shod with steel, and weighing 400 kilos each, were dropped by an airship from an altitude of one thousand meters on the deck of this battleship, that each one of these pierced both armored decks, came out at the bottom, and that the ship was tosed back in a sinking condition and repaired. Next, bombs of sixty-five