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mail at distances of over three or four hundred miles the air-ships were the most economical speedy transportation in existence. In addition, they figured on the airships as airplane carriers, and for transport across the seas. At the end of the War they were prepared to bring about a great development in airships had they not been stopped.
The Zeppelin airship is so far ahead of any other creation of this kind that there is no comparison. England is several years behind them in her efforts to catch up. Any nation taking it up has to go through the cycle, be an apprentice and learn the matter from the ground up. There is no particularly short cut to learning it unless the German engineering talent can be borrowed and used as an instructor for building and the trained crews used to instruct in operating these craft.
Knowing the possibilities of the Zeppelins, the Inter-Allied Commission of Aeronautical Control absolutely stopped all building of Zeppelins, took their hangars away, and dismantled their plants. They required, however, that certain airships be turned over to the Allies, which has been done. The Zeppelin Company, finding itself unable to build Zeppelins, turned its attention to perfecting its materials, developing engines in the
