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as her Continental neighbours because all the distances to her objectives are so much greater.
   With the present development of equipment in Great Britain, she considers that her aeronautical mission is primarily a defensive one so far as the British Isles themselves are concerned, and that she is incapable of carrying an air war deep into the enemy's country except by night bombardment aviation which requires no pursuit protection. Her pursuit aviation, therefore, is organized for the purpose of "defending a locality" as we call it --  that is, of having airplanes with great ability to climb, with splendid maneuverability, and with large ammunition capacity. Her Siddeley "Siskin" pursuit airplane has these characteristics. It climbss to 20,000 feet in 20 minutes, is extremely maneuverable, and carries 2,000 rounds of ammunition. It is of the same class airplane that the Camel was with respect to other airplanes during the War. Its speed is inferior; it can not pursue the fast Nieuport airplane of the French and bring it into combat if the French wish to avoid fighting. Whenever a combat is forced by an adversary, however, and a "dog fight" ensues, the Siddeley "Siskin" is certainly a superior ship.
    The British consider and the instructions from the govern-

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Transcription Notes:
"Newport" should be "Nieuport"