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facility is provided for his recreation as well as for his education along technical lines. Adequate recreational facilities are provided including cricket grounds, football, tennis, track, swimming, riding, shooting, hunting, etc. 

The College was turned out for review in honor of my inspection, and an opportunity was given to see the cadet personnel on parade. They were a clean-cut, intelligent looking group of men, and are certain to be an asset to the air force when they complete their training. The first class from the Cadet College will graduate in June of this year. 

The British have given a great deal of thought to their training system, and have worked out several radical departures. The following will serve as a typical instance. Upon his entry into the Cadet College, each cadet is issued a new motorcycle. He is required to make all repairs on the machine and to keep it in first-class condition. The machines are inspected every week. The work on these machines familiarizes the student with the principles of a simple gas engine. He is taught valve timing, adjustment, ignition, carburation, and the general principles of internal combustion engines in a way that is pleasant and at the same time sure to remain always with him. 
