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at each end by a wire "V" attached to poles on each end respectively.  A loop was placed on this wire which could run along it, and a hook placed over the top wing of the airplane.  The airplane made successful landings on the wire after a good deal of practice, in spite of the fact that the equipment was crude.  The commanding officer of this station, Wing Commander Cave-Brown-Cave, told me that he had carried out experiments in launching airplanes from airships, and that there was no trouble at all about it; second, that he had determined that the movement of airships in the air while in flight was very small and not sufficient to interfere with the approach of an airplane to the airship, and, third, that he had successfully landed on the wire while this wire was at rest near the ground (as indicated above) which is a very much more difficult operation than if the airplane had to land on the airship.

I therefore consider that eighty or ninety per cent of the preliminary work for the creation of an airship as an airplane carrier has been done.  It only remains to go ahead and develop this carrier of the future.  All air officers cognizant of this matter are enthusiastic over the use of the airship as an airplane carrier.  It will have three or four times the speed

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