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mission to be performed. The French, as they are organized essentially to take the offensive at long distances from their territory, prefer having their wings and brigades consist of one kind of aviation -- that is, either pursuit or bombardment entirely. The English, as they are required to act on the defensive, have not come to a conclusion. Neither have the Italians.

For our purposes in this country, where we must utilize both the ability to attack at a distance and the ability to attack possible debarkations, other troops on the grounds, and to cover landings, we should more intimately associate our pursuit with bombardment and attack aviation. I therefore believe that we should organize two kinds of wings -- one consisting of bombardment with the high speed diving type of pursuit in it at a ratio of two groups of pursuit to one of bombardment. Theoretically, this should be three groups of pursuit to one of bombardment, but we have found by experience that two groups of pursuit and one group of bombardment in the same wing work quite well, and it is probably a little bit easier to handle than three groups of pursuit and one of bombardment. For the attack wing -- that is, the armored ships to attack at low altitude which need a great amount of protection from hostile pursuit aviation -- the pur-
