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[[underline]] COAST DEFENSE. [[/underline]]

1. General-- Definition. (See Joint Army and Navy Board)
   a. At present dual responsibility. 
   b. Avoided by all European nations and should be avoided by us. 
   c. British Coast defenses were controlled by the Army, now under the Air Force.
[[left margin, hand written]] out [[/left margin, hand written]]
     Italian and French coast defense controlled by the Navy. Prior to 1914 Taken over by navy in order to release officers and men for western front. French cost defense controlled by the Army But regardless of personnel and means employed, no divided command. 
   d. Control by Navy might be more effective when:
      1. Available a large standing army well organized make landings on the shores by an enemy practically impossible. 
      2. When control of the sea xx by Navy is so effective that the enemy xxxxxxxxxx under no conditions can xxxxxxxx make a landing on our shores.
      3. Neither of these conditions obtain in the United States, 
      4. Co-operations of the coast defenses with the Navy usually takes place and is necessary when the enmy [[enemy]] can be kept away from our shores.
[[drawing in left margin]]
      5. When enemy is able to land successfully, or in case of a combined land and sea attack, the closest co-ordination must exist between the mobile army and all cost defense forces, regardless of their nature whether naval vessels assigned to coast defense or other utilities, . A change of tactical and administrative control under such conditions would result in great confusion.
   e. xx Under such conditions, divided responsibility for the defense of our coasts should cease and the entire xxxxxxxxxxx responsibility for coast defense be assigned the army, and all elements which may be used for coast defense, including naval vessels which may be assigned coast defense missions, or any other utilities not now under control of the army, be placed under its command. 
2. Missions and functions of the naval forces in soast [[coast]] defense.
   a. The United States Fleet. 
   b. The naval coast defense forces.
       (SeePar. 3, Army and Navy in Coast Defense.)