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effect of mobility of the force of the decisive blow. It becomes then almost a question of momentum of the mass multiplied by the velocity. This is mechanical rule does not give an untruthful conception even though the mass be human flesh and blood. It must develop through its power of movement the velocity necessary to roll over and crush the enemy. There is one proof of superiority that all men recognize and that all fighting men demand before they will admit defect - that is the advance. Savancer cast vaincre. In movement alone can victory be achieved. To shoot a determined enemy out of any position of strength is quite impossible. Winning by fire action alone is rare and can even then be but a negative victory. The writer once witnessed destructive fire on a German "point d'apprie". Hour after hour accurately adjusted bursts reached their tar-get till it seemed that flesh and blood could not live through such a storm of iron. Yet when the position was finally taken - by an advance - but a small proportion of the defenders had succumbed to shell fire. The remainder surrendered because the advance has been the final proof of allied superiority and their will to win was gone. In this way places have become of great importance in history, constituting, as they do, counters in the game of war, registering in the ebb and flow of morale, and showing more clearly than any other means the side towards which victory inclines.
