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[[underlined]] Pursuit [[/underlined]].  St. Mihiel proved the value of a single-seaters for reconnaissance missions in foul weather which hampered the biplane machines.  They were also employed successfully for ground strafing.  Only on the third day did these scout planes have opportunity to devote themselves to their normal work of individual combat.  On this day the enemy pursuit strength was largely increasedwith Fokkers and fought tenaciously to cover his retreat but he was heavily outnumbered and succeeded rarely in approaching the line of battle to attack our observation planes.  Throughout the days of the attack our Pursuit did fine work in destroying enemy balloons.

The 2nd French Pursuit Encadre (12 squadrons) made its headquarters at Ochey, and 3 more groups of French Pursuit formed a second Escadre at Rancourt.

The 1st Pursuit Wing, with headquarters at Toul, consisted of the 2nd Pursuit Group (12th, 22nd, 49th and 139th U.S. squadrons) and the 3rd Pursuit Group (28th, 93rd, 193rd and 213th, U.S. Squadrons).  French Pursuit Group 16 was allocated to the 1st Pursuit Wing Commander.

The 1st Pursuit Group was at Rembercourt (27th, 94th, 95th and 147th U.S. Squadrons.)

All pursuit squadrons were equipped with Spad XIII's.