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Throughout the Argonne operations the 2nd and 3rd Groups were equipped with bombs for attacking ground objectives. The 2nd and 3rd Groups, the 1st Day Bombardment Group and the _________th. Night Pursuit Squadron comprised the 1st Pursuit Wing.

Day Bombardment. Great increase of efficiency was noticeable in the Day Bombardment Group. The history of bombardment in the entire allied air services had been one of the heavy losses and the lessons learned were profitable. The moral effect of day bombing causes the enemy to attack in desperation with all available forces, an example being the sudden appearance of a group of 30 Fokkers and Pfalz's from behind low clouds on the 96th squadron. Two other bombardment units following, the 11th and 20th, attacked the enemy pursuit from the rear, shooting down two of them. At the hottest part of the fight 30 Spads from the 2nd. Pursuit Group arrived on the schedule time. In the course of the combat 13 enemy planes were destroyed, with our loss of but one.

The material effect of these raids was no less heavy. A secondary effect was the withdrawal of enemy pursuit from the rest of the front, rendering it safe for corps observation. Over two-thirds