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    On March 17, 1918, certain American pilots were posted to British Squadrons in the field and possessed the same status as British pilots and so used. Subsequently, from these men the 17th Squadron, equipped with Sopwith Camels, was formed on June 20th, using as a nucleus nine pilots who had seen about three months' service in British squadrons.

    The other squadron, the 148th, was formed on the same principle, using a similar equipment, on July 1st.

    These two Americans Pursuit Squadrons, the 17th and the 148th, were attached throughout the greater part of 1918 to the British R.A.F. and operated under British Wings and on the same footing as British units. 

    These two squadrons and the individual Americans with the British participated in the following operations.

    Picardy drive inaugurated by the Germans on March 31st

    Ypres, the push made by the Germans, starting April 12th.