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October 31, 1916. 

MEMORANDUM TO: C.A.S., Army Group. 

1. The enemy has concentrated against the American Army in this sector a larger air force than any which he has essembled against us in any of the preceding battles. At the same time, our air force is decreasing in size and is also badly handicapped for want of adequate supplies and replacements.

2. The Allied Air Force operating in the St. Mihiel battle consisted of: 

Airplanes on Hand --- 1476
Airplanes Available -  959
including the French Aerial Division; and in the Verdun battle it consisted of: 

Airplanes on Hand - - 836
Airplanes Available - 594
including two groups of the French Aerial Division. These French Pursuit Groups were able to take care of all pursuit operations on the right bank of the Meuse, thus enabling the American Forces to devote their entire attention to the west bank. At the same time the French Aerial Division was available for the use of, although not under the authority of, the American Forces. During the actual battle they were able on notable occasions to render very valuable assistance. 

3. Today the total strength of the Allied Air Force in this sector is as follows: 

Airplanes on Hand -- 716
Airplanes Available- 475 

The Allied Forces have decreased by 50% from the St. Mihiel battle, while the enemy has strengthened himself to a very appreciable degree. Today the services of the French Aerial Division are not immediately available. Our Air Force depends upon its protection. This protection is very seriously menaced by the weakness of the Pursuit Groups at the present time, a condition which is due almost entirely to an inadequate supply of replacements and spare parts. Without this protection the Reconnaissance and Bombing operations will be extremely difficult and at times impossible. 

W.C. Sherman 
Lt. Col. G.S.,U.S.A.
Chief of Staff.
For and in the absence of C.A.S. 


[[right margin]] A.E.F. ST. Mihiel - Theure Aignais Summers [[/right margin]]

Transcription Notes:
main text done and correct, margin is possibly wrong