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The French Commander-in-Chief had been requested and approval obtained for the transfer to the American forces of the necessary airdromes in the St. Hihiel sector, and for the assignment of a number of French aviation units to the Air Service of the First Army to bring it up to the required strength. These units consisted of three divisional squadrons, three squadrons for the Second Colonial Corps (French), six Army Artillery Squadrons, one Pursuit Group, two Night Bombing Groups, six balloon companies (three for the Second Colonial Corps, French) and the entire French Air Division. The majority of these units were located in the area selected for the attack. 

On August 25th, the Headquarters of the Air Service, First Army was moved to Ligny on Barrois, Headquarters, First Army, and the necessary orders were issued for the concentration of all. Air units. This concentration was practically completed by September 10th and the following assignment and station of organizations put into effect: