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4. a) The Corps Sector of reconnaissance are as announced in Annex #3, Field Orders #9, Appendis #4, dated September 7th, 1918. Particular attention is to be paid to minute reconnaissance of the enemy lines to determine whether he has been reinforced or has changed his dispositions. Important information involving immediate action obtained by Corps Air Services will be sent by telephone, radio or courier airplane to the C.A.S., 1st Army, or to the nearest brigade of the French Air Division.

b) The 1st Army Observation Group (Reynolds) will execute the reconnaissances and surveillance as ordered in the plan of reconnaissance, Annex #3, Field Orders #9, Appendix #4, dated September 7th 1918. Particular attention is to be paid to minute reconnaissance of the enemy lines to determine whether he has been reinforced or has changed his dispositions. Important information involving immediate action obtained by Air Service will be sent by telephone, radio or courier plane to the C.A.S., 1st Army, or to the nearest brigade of the French Air Division. Three airplanes will be held ready to execute any special reconnaissance ordered.

c) The Army Artillery Group (Block) will execute the observation ordered for the Artillery to which it is attached. Important information involving immediate action obtained by Air Services will be sent by telephone, radio or courier airplane to the C.A.S., 1st Army or to the nearest brigade of the French Air Division.

d) The First Pursuit Wing, (Atkinson) will cover the front Pont-sur-Seille -- St. Mihiel, inclusive. An absolute barrage will be established against enemy aviation, our own observation aviation will be protected and an attack against all balloons exposing themselves on this front will be made early in the morning. After 9:00A.M., one pursuit group loaded with