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to be protected by the First Brigade (French Air Division) and the Air Service of the Eighth French Army.

The First Pursuit Group was to cover the front to a depth of five kilometers from Chatillon--Sous-les-Cotes to the line Vigniulles--la-Chausee--Tromville. The left flank was to be protected by the pursuit aviation of the 4th French Army.

The pursuit of the French Air Division was to continue its same general mission as outlined in orders on the previous day. The two brigades were to act along the same general axes, meeting on the line Mars-la-Tour--Vionville.

Close liaison was to be maintained by the pursuit, using radio and courier airplanes, with the Corps Air Service, thus insuring close cooperation in the attack of ground troops.

The First Day Bombardment Group was to be held in reserve to attack hostile formations between our front line, and the line Conflans--Metz.

The day bombardment of the French Air Division was to concentrate its efforts in the quadrangle Conflans-Mars-la-Tour--Gorze--Noveant--Verneville. Every opportunity was to be taken advantage of for the attack of ground troops.

September 14th was ideal for aerial operations; the wind was mild and except for a few scattered clouds and a slight ground haze in the afternoon, the atmosphere was clear and visibility excellent.