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Argonne Forest, inclusive, and the Meuse River, inclusive, north to a line from Vouziers--Stenay. Particular attention was to be paid to any information which might lead to an estimate as to whether the enemy's artillery positions, advanced lines and centers of resistence were being organized. On the morning of the 27th, reconnaissances were to be pushed [[strikethrough]] pushing [[/strikethrough]] with all vigor toward the railroad lines leading from Thionville and Metz, in the direction of the Meuse River. #Par. Our pursuit was to continue its normal method of operations to a depth of 10 kilometers into the enemy's territory, [[strikethrough]] operating in the manner specified above,[[/strikethrough]] the first [[strikethrough]] pursuit [[/strikethrough]] wing [[strikethrough]] with a light barrage [[/strikethrough]] at medium and high altitudes, with a light barrage [[strikethrough]] over the front lines, [[/strikethrough]] covering the right of the line from Chatillon Sous-le Cotes, inclusive, to the Moselle River, inclusive, and with a heavy barrage From Chatillon Sous-le-Cotes, inclusive, west, along the front of the Aisne River, inclusive. [[strikethrough]] they were to cover the front with a heavy barrage at medium and high altitudes, to a depth of 10 kilometers into the enemy's territory.[[/strikethrough]] Particular attention was to be paid to the area included between the Meuse River and the Argonne Forest, inclusive. One pursuit 

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