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[[margin]] 28th. [[/margin]]
[[strikethrough]]your[[/strikethrough]] our own lines, while several others were observed by balloon observers to go down out of control.

   A [[strikethrough]]bombing[[/strikethrough]] an attack expedition was carried out shortly after noon by all the planes of the Third Pursuit Group, during which a considerable number of bombs were dropped on the towns of Romango and Cunel, were attacked with light bombs and other points in the immediate rear of the enemy's front lines.  During this raid, this patrol attacked several groups of Fokker pursuit planes, and it is believed that at least six of these enemy planes were either destroyed or brought down out of control.  These combats were particularly persistent on the part of our pilots, who followed the enemy planes for over twenty minutes, our pilots alternating in the singling out and attack of individual enemy planes.  It is particularly interesting to note that during the course of the day, our Pursuit pilots engaged in a total of 52 combats with enemy planes, as a result of which, they claim to have destroyed 33 enemy planes without the loss on our part of a single pilot.