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with success. The French Fourth Army had made a substantial gain to the west of the Argonne Forest. The enemy in front of the First Army remained at about the same strength. Our Air Service had increased its ascendency over the German air service. Each branch of aviation had functioned most successfully, and in every case our pursuit had dominated the air.
The line of battle [[strikethrough]] on the front of the First Army now extended from a point south of Brieulles--south edge of Bois-de-Ogons--Cierges--2 kilometer south of Gesnes--Chaudron Feret--Apremont--to south edge of Bois-de-la-Maze. [[/strikethrough]] of the First Army was approximately the Bois de la Cote Lement-Nantillois-Apremmt-southwest across the Agonne.

The First Army was to remain in place on September 30th, in preparation for a further advance. Our Corps Air Service was to specialize in spotting and photographing artillery positions, to a depth of 10 kilometers, in which case pursuit protection was to be furnished. Our Army Observation was to continue reconnaissance of the sector allotted in the original plan.
The First Pursuit Wing was to maintain a heavy barrage over