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at 8 hours; while that east of the Meuse River, occupied by the 17th French Corps, were to attack at an hour to be designated by its corps commander. The First Army now occupied the line: Beaumont-la-Wavrille--northeast of Bois-des-Caures--Bois-d'Ormont--Molleville Fern--Bois-Plat-Chene--just south of Sivry--just southeast of Brieulles--Martinvane Trench--Hill 299--just west of Bois-des-Foret--Cunel--Romagne--Cote-Dame-Marie--just south of St. Georges--Commerance--Marcq to Grand Pre.
On October 14 an attack was made along the entire front. The weather still continued very bad, this day being poor for Air Service operations on account of intermittent rains and low clouds. In spite of this fact, however, our Air Service was able to take the air and to continue to hold their advantage.
The resistance of the ground troops was stubborn at all points, but success was attained as the Hindenburg Line was broken.
From this period until November 1st, the army continued