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20,000 prisoners and 150 guns. Aside from the prisoners, it was estimated that the enemy's losses exceeded 50,000 men. Our Air Service had continued to maintain air superiority, although outnumbered, and had brought down 283 airplanes and 26 balloons.
    The main mission of the First Army in this attack continued to be to cut the great Carignan--Sedan--Mesiers Railroad. The 4th French Army was to attack in the direction of le Chesne and Chatillon-sur-Bar; the 38th French Corps in the direction of Croix-aux-Bois. The First Army, while it continued its operation east of the Meuse, was to attack on its front west of the Meuse. The Heights of Barricourt were to be carried and a junction with the 4th French Army gained near Boult-aux-Bois. The first day's objective consisted of Cunel Heights--Heights north of Andevenne, and Bayonville-et-Chennery--Sivry-les-Buzaney--Heights south of Verpel--eastern half of Bois-des-Loges.