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difficulty our infantry contact command planes located the position of our front lines by means of ground flares operating at altitudes of only 50 meters. They kept in contact with our advancing infantry when weather conditions permitted. Artillery adjustments were impossible. 15 reconnaissance missions were sent out to conduct observations over the various corps areas attacked. Some seven of these were successful in returning with information concerning the situation on the battlefield. Others less fortunate, in encountering temporary bad conditions of visibility were forced to abandon the attempt. In its operations of reconnaissance over the hostile rear areas, the Army Observation Group took advantage of short spaces of time during which the fog lifted, to make photographic exposures. 9 successful plates showing areas in the neighborhood of Buzancy resulted.
During the preceding night, October 31--Nov. 1, the French Night Bombardment Group, working [[strikethrough]] inco [[/strikethrough]] in conjunction with our Army Air Service, carried out several bombing raids, launching a total of 1324 [[strikethrough]] kgs. [[/strikethrough]] kilograms of bombs on Longuyon and Dommay--