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out xxxxx in conjunction with and xx in addition to their normal function, was one of the noteworthy features of the day's aerial activities.

Our observation planes continued their work in cooperation with the attacking forces on the ground as soon as they could be seen after daylight. Despite the poor visibility, successful results were obtained by the infantry contact patrols operating over the various divisional fronts. This hazardous and difficult work continued until our planes could no longer take the air. In this way and by means of reconnaissance and artillery surveillance planes, the command was kept informed as to the situation along the front of attack throughout the morning. Army observation planes penetrated the enemy rear areas, conducted their observations, and returned with information of value. A few photographs were taken during a momentary break in the cloud and fog banks. In addition to the work of supporting she attack of our ground forces, a large number of daily newspapers and several thousand cigarettes were dropped to our advancing infantry.