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Toward evening the cloud banks cleared away entirely. 

The enemy was encountered in the air along the entire front of attack and west of the Meuse throughout the day. East of the Meuse and especially over the enemy rear areas a marked increase was noted in the number of and aggressiveness of patrols. Their attacks were extremely persistent wherever encountered by our long distance bombing and reconnaissance missions. In number these patrols averaged from 8 to 15. Whereas the day before the activity noted was mostly at low altitudes, on this day the reverse was the case, and practically all enemy planes encountered [??] in the hostile rear areas were operating at comparatively high altitudes. His balloons were in ascension during the entire day, and his anti-aircraft were especially active on the heights east of the Meuse.

Our pursuit taking the offensive at all points along the front of the army and penetrating deeply into the enemy territory, operated constantly during the day at all altitudes. [???] Continuing their extensive operation of the past few days, they shot down or dispersed the aviation forces of the enemy wherever encountered. In a