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Summary of Information, No.250, January 11, 1919.
Estimate of the Situation by Corps Headquarters at 11.45 A.M.
The 192d Infantry Division and the 5th Ldw. Division had up to this time repulsed all of enemy's efforts and could continue to hold out. However, the progress which the enemy has been making since 11.15 a.m. in the sector of the 10th Infantry Division in conjunction with the enemy's success against the Combres Group continued to bring the danger ever nearer that the troops of the Mihiel Group still remaining in the salient would be cut off.

Therefore the following verbal report was made to the Chief of the Army Staff about noon:


Thereupon Army Headquarters gave orders by telephone that the Loki movement should begin at once and the defence transferred for the present to the Schroeter Zone.

Events Up to 1:52PM
Between 12:10 and 12:10 p.m. the order from Army Headquarters was transmitted verbally to the 192d Infantry Division and the 5th Ldw. Division. By 1:10 p.m. the instructions which have been delivered verbally had been supplemented by the following order which have been dictated to the orderly officers of the divisions:

1. The Loki movement will begin at once, The defense will be transferred to the Schroeter Zone (right flank of the Group one kilometer east of Deuxnouds, left flank of Group at Champrez Pond).

2. The Schroeter Zone will be held until the receipt of further orders. The forces available for the defense will be grouped accordingly. 

Rear guards (infantry with special weapons and single pieces of artillery) will remain in contact with the enemy and will fall back to the Schroeter Zone only when forced to do so by the enemy. In such an event they will do everything possible to impede the enemy without themselves being drawn into a combat whose issue cannot be foreseen.

3. The security garrisons in the Schroeter Zone will establish liaison with the army groups on the flanks and with each other. The fact of the completion of this operation will be telephoned in clear to Corps Headquarters by the divisions.

4. As for the artillery, only those sections or guns required for the support of the most advanced battalions will be left in front of the Schroeter Zone. All the rest of the artillery will be at once withdrawn behind the Schroeter Zone and be placed in position there insofar as required. All apparently dispensible ((dispensable)) batteries  will be brought into a condition of readiness for the withdrawal to the Michel I Zone.

5. All explosions and destructions which have been prepared will be carried out insofar as the short space of time available permits. 

Of special importance are all measures which will impede the rapid progress of the enemy. In this category is included, besides the blowing-up of roads, the blowing-up of all water supply constructions. 

The Commanding General, 
(Signed) Leuthold 

Between 1 and 2 p.m. orders were given by the Group for the necessary regrouping of the subordinate anti-aircraft units and air forces. The Group observatories were to be taken over by the divisions.

Already during the forenoon the Group Signal Officer had made the necessary preparations for the transferring of the Corps Headquarters from St. Benoit to Lachaussée. He reported that at 2 p.m. all the necessary communications between the fighting units and Lachaussée would be established. 

At 12.30 p.m. about forty deep-flying hostile battle planes made an attack with machine guns and hand grenades upon the chateau garden and crossroad at St. Benoit, but the attack was unsuccessful on account of the wind and rain just at that time.

At 1.05 p.m. the 5th Ldw. Division reported that it had sent the 65th Ldw. Infantry
