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Regiment through Nonsard Woods in the direction of Lamarche. In view of the situation at that movement Corps Headquarters was of the opinion that the battalion should be quickly sent forward to Nonsard by the most direct route in order to protect the open flank at this greatly endangered point in the line. The 5th Ldw. Division was therefore advised accordingly. At the same time it was informed that the three companies of the division which had been designed for trench construction work in the Michel I Zone would be ordered by Corps Headquarters to Sevastopol Farm in order to protect the flank of the division's line of march at that point. The 5th Ldw. Division was again informed of the necessity for strong artillery support of the right wing of the Gorz Group from the slopes of the Côte and of the importance of continuous close liaison with the neighboring divisions. 

At 1.15 p. m. the commander of the Gorz Group was advised of the measures which had been taken.

The 5th Ldw. Division reported at 1.20 p. m. that it had sent the Divisional Assault Company to St. Benoit to reinforce the three companies sent to Sevastopol Farm by Corps Headquarters. 

In the meantime the commander of the intrenching company of the 5th Ldw. Division which had been stopped at Dampvitoux reported at Corps Headquarters and was given instructions by the chief of staff of the Group. The company itself reached Sevastopol Farm about 2 p.m. At 1.40 p.m. the 5th Ldw. Division reported that the enemy had been again driven out of the outpost zone of Sector F II and that some prisoners from the 156th Regiment, 39th French Division, had remained in our hands.

The 5th Ldw. Division acting in conjunction with the 192d Division was not to withdraw the front line battalions from the advance position until 8 o'clock in the evening, and was to maintain contact with the enemy by means of officer patrols until the morning of September 13.

The observatory on Le Mont reported two hostile balloons and one battery near Flirey and Xivray.

At 1.52 p.m. the 5th Ldw. Division reported that, according to a report of the Infantry Brigade on the Bocksberg, Pannes and Nonsard had been surrounded and captured by the enemy. Tanks co-operating with infantry were advancing from Nonsard against Heudicourt.


The loss of Pannes and Nonsard signified that the situation had grown decidedly worse. It showed that the 10th Infantry Division could not with its own means prevent the enemy from breaking through on the west. The order issued by Army Headquarters at noon to hold the Schroeter Zone had become obsolete, because the enemy had already broken through the zone near and east of Nonsard. The regiment of the 31st Infantry Division which had been sent towards Xammes had apparently not yet counter-attacked, and it was also very questionable whether this arrangement would be able to restore the very critical situation of the 10th Infantry Division.

It was imperative for the Mihiel Group to check a further enemy advance in a northerly and northwesterly direction beyond the line Nonsard-Pannes-Bouillonville.

The infantry advancing with tanks from Nonsard in the direction of Heudicourt would, in the opinion of Corps Headquarters, meet with the resting battalion of the 65th Ldw. Infantry Regiment which had been sent in that direction with accompanying artillery. It would probably be sufficient to drive the enemy back to Nonsard. Other forces would have to be sent by the Group to fill up the gaps and assure the flank between Nonsard and Beney.

The 5th Ldw. Division reported that on its own responsibility it had sent the two resting battalions of the 25th and 36th Ldw. Infantry Regiments, which had been originally assigned as the security garrison for the Schroeter Zone, to counter-attack in the region north of Heudicourt, and that these battalions had orders to drive back the enemy beyond the line Pannes-Beney in the direction of Bouillonville and to take over the protection of the left flank of the Division by establishing liaison with the battalion of the 65th Ldw. Regiment at Nonsard, and the companies at Sevastopol Farm.

Corps Headquarters agreed to this arrangement. There were no other forces in sight for the protection of the flanks.

The Army Commander and the commanders of the neighboring Groups were advised of the situation and the measures which had been taken.


The Gorz Group, in reply to an inquiry, reported at 2.10 p.m. that it had no information to offer concerning the situation around Nonsard and Pannes. Tanks had gained possession of Raulecourt and Rambucourt.

The 192d Division reported at 2.15 p.m. that the enemy had attacked the division. In front of Sector E I North the enemy had been annihilated in the wire entanglements;
